Congratulations from Archbishop Justin Welby

Pilgrimage is at the very heart of our faith.  In recent decades the Camino of St James in Spain has grown in popularity but until now, the Anglican churches have been hampered in their ability to welcome pilgrims.  In the Bible we often see Jesus walking with fellow pilgrims and so the prospect of building a centre where pilgrims can be given hospitality is a positive step forward for the Church.

The Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago will bring people together, welcoming all for a common good. I offer my congratulations and thanks to Iglesia Española Reformada Episcopal  for this initiative to establish, a global ecumenical religious centre, part of the Anglican Communion’s ministry in Spain.

The Most Rev. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury


Collaboration and Exploration - Nancy Hoxsie Mead, Board President


Sharing the Dream - Nancy Hoxsie Mead