Sharing the Dream - Nancy Hoxsie Mead

In 2016, Bishop Carlos Lopez Lozano shared with me his dream of establishing an Anglican Centre for pilgrims arriving in Santiago de Compostela at the end of their walk on the Camino. His dream became my dream. I hope you will watch this short video and that you too will be inspired to make our dream your dream. - Nancy Mead, President

Video transcript:

Hi everybody, my name is Nancy Mead and I am talking to you today from Naragansett, Rhode Island, a long way on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean from Santiago de Compostela. Santiago is a place dear to muy heart, having walked the Camino to Santiago a number of times. I want to share my dream with you to establish and Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago de Compostela. A group of us are working to establish an ecumenical, inclusive center where pilgrims can come at the end of their Camino. A place that has safe and affordable rooms for pilgrims and pilgrim groups, a place that will have a chapel where male and female clergy are allowed to celebrate the Eucharist for their pilgrim groups, and most especially a place where we can meet with pilgrims and help them unpack the incredible transformative journey that they have just taken. Many, many people find God on the Camino and we would love to be there for them to share the faith which we love and give them the tools to send them home refreshed, renewed, and transformed, and ready to begin the next chapter of their life, as they continue on their pilgrimage of life, because as we all know, pilgrimage does not end in Santiago it just continues. I hope you will consider sharing in this dream.


Congratulations from Archbishop Justin Welby


Looking For The Lost - Agatha Nolen