Collaboration and Exploration - Nancy Hoxsie Mead, Board President

Last February, Edie Morrill, Mother Anna and I attended a meeting, hosted by Bishop Carlos, with the Ven. David Waller, Archdeacon of the Anglican Diocese in Europe, the Rev. Colin Patching, Vicar of Santa Susana, and Gary Snider, a congregant at Santa Susana, to discuss ways in which the Friends, the Episcopal Church in Spain, and the Anglican Diocese of Europe might collaborate on our respective pilgrim ministries. 

While in Santiago, we spent two days looking at possible new sites for the Centre, since our former site had been taken off the market. After looking at a dozen properties, the morning we were to leave the city, arrangements were made to see one new listing. It was love at first site and better than anything we had seen previously, better suited in every way.  Again, an answer to prayer. More details to follow as they become available.

Edie, Mother Anna and I also attended the CEEP Conference in Atlanta in February. We debuted our new eye-catching backdrop, had another successful “Lunch and Learn” presentation and made many new friends and connections with additional opportunities to make parish presentations in the fall.


April Holy Week Tour - Nancy Hoxsie Mead


Congratulations from Archbishop Justin Welby