A Thanksgiving Letter to the Friends from Nancy Mead, President

November 18, 2022

Greetings from cold and sunny Rhode Island.

Each year as Thanksgiving approaches, I am reminded of my father, who in his later years, while mostly housebound, on oxygen and in a wheelchair, kept a gratitude journal. His entries were surprising, moving and inspiring.

Last week I was grateful that the unseasonably warm weather gave me extra time to clean up my gardens. Long days raking and planting bulbs provided time to give thanks for my life, my family and my friends. My gardening was punctuated by the phone calls, emails and Zooms from my fellow members of the Friends of the Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago, and today I want to give thanks for them.

First, I give thanks to God for Bishop Carlos and his dream of an Anglican Centre in Santiago. Bishop Carlos was in Santiago on Saturday, November 5, to meet with the clergy of his diocese in Galicia. He celebrated the Eucharist at Santa Susana’s Church on the 25th anniversary of his consecration as Bishop. That same day, he met with people in Santiago to negotiate the possible purchase of a building for our Centre, the details of which I hope to share with you soon.

Bishop Carlos at Santa Susana’s in Alameda Park, Santiago de Compostela, Nov 5th

I spoke with him Monday as he was driving back to Madrid, via church in Seville on Sunday and a meeting in Salamanca on Monday. Yesterday, he was in Barcelona installing a new priest in the parish there. He is the energizer bunny in a collar and purple shirt.

I am grateful for Bishop Carlos, for his faith, his vision, his energy and his ceaseless work to minister to pilgrims and share the good news of Jesus Christ. Because of his ongoing dedication and Spirit-inspired vision of hospitality, his hope of opening an Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago will surely become a reality in God’s good time.

Second, I give thanks to God for the ministry of Mother Anna Noon, our pilgrim missioner in Santiago. In six short months she is making a real difference. Her pastoral and organizational skills have made such a contribution to our work! She is assisting us in creating our database, facilitating the upgrade of our website, and contributing mightily to the Zoom presentations we’ve been conducting this fall. Pilgrims are grateful for the worship, pastoral care and support she offers as she works to fulfill our mission.

As the active pilgrim season for 2022 closes, Mother Anna is already preparing for 2023. She has begun intensive Spanish studies and is organizing her team and pilgrim programs for next year. She has been out on the road to worship with and meet the clergy and people in the IERE Churches in Spain and the Lusitanian Churches in Portugal. Her aim is to strengthen bonds of friendship with local Anglican communities and link the Pilgrim Centre in Santiago with their Camino ministries.

Rev. Anna connecting with a pilgrim in Casco Histórico, Sep 27th

Rev. Anna connecting with a pilgrim in Casco Histórico, Sep 27th

I am grateful for Mother Anna, for her faith, her pastoral and technical skills to accomplish our mission, and her focus on sharing the Gospel in creative ways. Pilgrims and the Friends are all better for her full-time year-round presence in Santiago de Compostela.

I give thanks for Glenn Wagner, our campaign director, who has given me and our board courage to do things we never thought possible. I am thankful for our treasurer Edith Morrill, for her eagle eyes watching where every penny of our money comes from and goes, and for keeping me and our records in order. I am also thankful for each of our board members and volunteers for the part they continue to play in our progress.

Finally, I am grateful to each of you who are reading this letter. I am thankful to those of you who have given to our project and to those of you who have been willing to listen to our dream.

I believe we are close to securing a building for the Centre. We will have more to share as the details come further into focus over the next few weeks. With God’s help and your continued support, it will be open and welcoming pilgrims, including you, sometime in 2023.

I invite you to rejoice with me and share in gratitude for Bishop Carlos, Mother Anna, and our future Anglican Pilgrim Centre. If you would like to contribute to this worthy mission, either by check or online, or as part of your practice of generosity on Giving Tuesday, follow the guidelines below. Know that your gift today will go a long way in supporting the ongoing work of our Missioner and enabling us to make the strongest down payment on a new facility.

Thank you for your continued prayers and generous support. May your Thanksgiving be filled with love and gratitude.


Nancy H. Mead, Board President

Nancy arriving in Praza Obradoiro on Sep 26th after walking the Camino Portugues, with treasurer Edie Morrill and Joanna Wivell.

Donations made by check can be mailed to:

The Friends of the Anglican Centre in Santiago de Compostela
PO Box 1789
Radio City Station
New York, NY 10101-1789

Click to donate online

The Friends of the Anglican Centre in Santiago de Compostela, Inc. is a 501 © (3) tax exempt entity.

EIN 81-3926530


Crying on the Camino, St. Peter's by the Sea, Narragansett, RI


Coming Home After Camino: From Pilgrim to Citizen Again (and Back) - the Rev. Elizabeth Kaeton