Testimonial — The Rev. Marek Zabriskie

The Camino de Santiago is the most important Christian pilgrimage left in the world. Along with Jerusalem and Rome, it was one of the three most vital Christian pilgrimage sites in the world. Jerusalem and Rome both have a strong Anglican presence. Santiago de Compostela has virtually none. This is a lost opportunity, which we can and must rectify. Over 300,000 pilgrims walk part of the Camino de Santiago each year. Hundreds upon hundreds arrive in Santiago each day. Most of them are seekers. They have been spiritually transformed by the walk. More Protestants than Roman Catholics now journey on the Camino. We have a golden opportunity to provide them with a taste of Anglican hospitality and help them connect their pilgrimage to something glorious and lifelong that we have come to love in Anglicanism.

The Rev. Marek Zabriskie
Christ Church
Greenwich, CT


Henry Cox Invites Contributors to the Rainbow Initiative


Testimonial — The Rev. Melanie McCarley