The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker

Greg Foraker serves as Canon for Formation and Pastoral Care for the Episcopal Church in Colorado. A spiritual director, teacher, and pilgrim, Greg has a passion for leading diverse groups in walking the Camino de Santiago, and for helping parishes across Colorado experience firsthand the transformative spiritual potential of walking the Camino for individuals and parishes.

Greg is inspired by the questions for deeper reflection that walking the Camino inevitably bring. One of his favorite questions of pilgrims in conversation on the Camino is “Are we talking about the Camino or are we talking about life?” He first experienced the life-changing power of pilgrimage over twenty years ago and has found kindred pilgrims in every ministry and community has served since that time. Greg has led diocesan and parish pilgrimages to the Holy Land, Canterbury, Taizé, Chartres, Lindisfarne, Iona and five times on the Caminos Francés and Portugués.

In partnership with the Friends of the Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago, Greg’s team has created an innovative and popular Hybrid Camino Pilgrimage, inviting pilgrims to virtually walk the Camino Francés from their own homes during the time of pandemic, effectively building community through technology and welcoming pilgrims from across Colorado, the US, and Europe.