The Rt. Rev. Carlos López Lozano, Ex Officio

Bishop Carlos Lopez Lozano is the leader of the Spanish Episcopal Church, and he is based in the Cathedral in Madrid. He was educated at the Autonomous University in Madrid and received his higher degrees in theology at the United Seminary in Madrid and the University of Salamanca. Ordained a priest in 1985 in Madrid, ten years later, in 1995, he was consecrated the bishop. He serves on the Executive Committee for our project. In his time as bishop he has been responsible for doubling the amount of churches as it slowly recovered from the Franco dictatorship where Protestants were ostracized and many schools and churches closed and confiscated, never to be returned to the church.

One of the hallmarks of his career has been opening food distribution programs throughout Spain where thousands of Spain´s unemployed and marginalized are fed every week. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles published in ecclesiastical journals. Since 1985, he has been married to Ana Rodriguez Domingo. He believes the Anglican Pilgrim Center is an important and necessary gift to the world, a pilgrim welcome center, where ordained women can celebrate the Eucharist, where a hospitality center can be created to support sustainability for the Spanish Episcopal Church and a home for the world where Episcopal leaders can be nurtured and sent out into the world.