The Rev. Deacon Anita Miner

Deacon Anita Miner currently lives in Salt Lake City Utah after having resided with her family in various American cities (8) and 4 countries (Spain, Mexico, Brazil and Portugal). Her recent trip to Santiago de Compostela was from April to June 2024, where she had the pleasure and honor to be Chaplain at the Anglican Pilgrim Centre and Santa Susana Church. In April 2024 Anita walked part of the French Route of the Camino, a year after doing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  Other pilgrimages she has experienced were to Assisi Italy, Northern England and Southern Scotland.

Anita recently served for 6 years on the board of The Fund for the Diaconate of The Episcopal Church and continues today as a Trustee of the investment account of All Saints Episcopal Church in Salt Lake City.  In addition, she is the treasurer of the board of the Mt. Olivet Cemetery Association in Salt Lake City.  Mt. Olivet is the only public, non-profit board created by an Act of Congress in the USA. As an active deacon, she volunteers with local non-profits to help under-served populations in her community.

With a keen interest in culture and language, Anita lived in the French House and then the Spanish House on the campus of Hood College in Frederick Maryland as an undergraduate.  That led to a Masters Degree in Spanish at Middlebury College in Vermont.  One year of that curriculum was spent in Madrid, and the love affair with Spanish and Spain continues to this day.

Although trained as a linguist, Anita has delved into other careers as well, such as a financial advisor, editorial assistant in bio-engineering and computer software sales director in the international market.

Anita considers herself a connector of people and places.  She enjoys not only making new friends but connecting them with others, regardless of their native lands.  Languages, cultures and friends have been a life-long endeavor for her. That is what happens also at the “breakfast table” at La Casa Anglicana del Peregrino—a kind of magic of place and time among all people of the world.